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Emergency Budget

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Good or Bad :hmm:?


should we all suffer because the banks and other mistakes allowed the country to get us into this mess?


The tories put VAT up to 17.5% last time they was in, they're now virtually in again and straight away banged it up to 20%. when we do have a recovery I wonder if they will drop it down again? somehow I don't think so........


Robbed? thats a f*****g understatment :censored: .......


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Same old .I wouldent mind if they stopped forighn aid and how that tory went on about the benefit system he must think all those out of work or on disability do so because they want to.Thats the price we are all going to pay because of the numptys who have been in power the last 13 years and to hear them bleating on about it now is pathetic.

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Same old story.






Yeh, this one's for the workers who toil night and day


By hand and by brain to earn your pay


Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread


Have bled for your countries and counted your dead



In the factories and mills, in the shipyards and mines


We've often been told to keep up with the times


For our skills are not needed, they've streamlined the job


And with sliderule and stopwatch our pride they have robbed






We're the first ones to starve the first ones to die


The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky


And always the last when the cream is shared out


For the worker is working when the fat cat's about




And when the sky darkens and the prospect is war


Who's given a gun and then pushed to the fore


And expected to die for the land of our birth


Though we've never owned one lousy handful of earth?




<i>[Chorus x3]</i>




All of these things the worker has done


From tilling the fields to carrying the gun


We've been yoked to the plough since time first began


And always expected to carry the can

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I think is ok


1st -£7500 of wage tax free, tax same, no change

reduce benefits, & asess disable scroung, for genuin peoples ok. :thumbs:

big men with big big wage pay (bank men)pay 10% more tax , & also cap wage.

wages cap for all government worker.

child benefit stay normal.

No money for birth of child.


ok, vat up little, but price of thing go down, to compensate in shop, No real hard deal.In Euro place x3 Uk price for food & drink :icon_eek:


Is plastic, dream spender is ruin country, all buy now with no money,just imaganary money platic card. so ok, blame bank. They lend, but need to go back to help trade & country exports, for uk industry.


fuel no go up. :clapper:


No money in bank, sterling de-value, maybe shop price go crazy ! stop plastic spend NOW! :thumbs:


Will be good , you see. Uk alway have stronest economy. :clapper:


if you want to see bad economy, go over channel , any country, all shop empty, peoples no have job, bad wage & no money to spend, car x3 price & all very very much cost. :o:no:

Edited by clint
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Think your all failing to see the bigger picture jmo


most people on benefits are scroungers FACT. not all FACT.


The only way is to fec all the illegals and every assylum seeker (who's country is no longer at war) who are on benifits back to their own countries and then start on the job robbers.


Next get the majority off our home grown lazy tw@ts into the said job spaces.


we all have to pay for the next god knows how long all thanks to the lying, sneaky, conieving fuucks we all know as Labour

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i know a bloke who s on disability and his missus and they claim everything under the sun an get £735 a week cash with everything else paid for its a joke ask him to do some work and he has eveery excuse going , but mention shooting and h es out everyday walking the fields over the moors busy shooting everything that moves and we pay for it , nice life

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i know a bloke who s on disability and his missus and they claim everything under the sun an get £735 a week cash with everything else paid for its a joke ask him to do some work and he has eveery excuse going , but mention shooting and h es out everyday walking the fields over the moors busy shooting everything that moves and we pay for it , nice life



:angry:Makes me think of a phrase I have have seen on here, NAME AND SHAME :wankerzo4:

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i know a bloke who s on disability and his missus and they claim everything under the sun an get £735 a week cash with everything else paid for its a joke ask him to do some work and he has eveery excuse going , but mention shooting and h es out everyday walking the fields over the moors busy shooting everything that moves and we pay for it , nice life

I cant see them getting that amount in cash unless they have a dozen kids.

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broke my knee cap in half a few year back,went to claim disability and after an hour of listening to some advisor she handed me a pile of forms which i actually found to be f*****g very intrusive.told her to shove it and walked out.

now every year i take a few month off from working as i get terrible pains in my knee if i do to much.i just make sure i have enough cash to live in the time i have off.always go back to the same company,got an understanding boss. :thumbs:

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I think is ok


1st -£7500 of wage tax free, tax same, no change

reduce benefits, & asess disable scroung, for genuin peoples ok. :thumbs:

big men with big big wage pay (bank men)pay 10% more tax , & also cap wage.

wages cap for all government worker.

child benefit stay normal.

No money for birth of child.


ok, vat up little, but price of thing go down, to compensate in shop, No real hard deal.In Euro place x3 Uk price for food & drink :icon_eek:


Is plastic, dream spender is ruin country, all buy now with no money,just imaganary money platic card. so ok, blame bank. They lend, but need to go back to help trade & country exports, for uk industry.


fuel no go up. :clapper:


No money in bank, sterling de-value, maybe shop price go crazy ! stop plastic spend NOW! :thumbs:


Will be good , you see. Uk alway have stronest economy. :clapper:


if you want to see bad economy, go over channel , any country, all shop empty, peoples no have job, bad wage & no money to spend, car x3 price & all very very much cost. :o:no:



you trying to give gnasher a coronary :whistling:

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broke my knee cap in half a few year back,went to claim disability and after an hour of listening to some advisor she handed me a pile of forms which i actually found to be f*****g very intrusive.told her to shove it and walked out.



Did you not hop out lol

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broke my knee cap in half a few year back,went to claim disability and after an hour of listening to some advisor she handed me a pile of forms which i actually found to be f*****g very intrusive.told her to shove it and walked out.



Did you not hop out lol


lol yea mate should have said hobbled out was in plaster for weeks,f*****g nightmare it was,simple things like going for a shit was a chore.

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